Shortcut Asia logo
Shortcut Asia case study thumbnail

Shortcut Asia

Rebranding Suria Labs to Shortcut Asia

Software Development

Software Development

For more than a decade, Suria Labs has been a well-established name in the software development industry in Malaysia. In 2023, Shortcut, the largest app development company in the Nordics, looking to expand into the Asian market acquired Suria Labs, resulting in a rebranding to Shortcut Asia.

background icon

Our motivation

Both Suria Labs and Shortcut have always been passionate about delivering exceptional, high-quality experiences for our valued clients. In order to achieve a successful transformation, we formed a symbiotic relationship to ensure a seamless and consistent marketing communications strategy across all touchpoints, to create a cohesive and memorable experience for our audience.

The start to an exciting future

The logo is inarguably one of the most important first impressions of a company. We wanted to adopt the Shortcut logo, embodying our shared values while highlighting our focus on the Asian market.

Shortcut Asia logo selection

A global, unified language

A comprehensive style guide was developed to maintain consistency in product design and user experience across all of Shortcut Asia's digital offerings.

The guide was built upon the foundation of the Shortcut group's brand guidelines and has been customized to cater specifically to Shortcut Asia's unique needs.

Design style guide

Genuine human connection

Images enhance the comprehension of our messages, and at Shortcut Asia, we strive to convey authenticity by showcasing images that truly reflect our people and community.

People at Shortcut Asia
People at Shortcut Asia

Building trust through past successes

The all-new revamped website highlights past projects, building trust in potential clients and providing a better perspective of the value Shortcut Asia offers. A minimalistic design complemented by sufficient white space keeps visitors engaged and prevents information overload.

Previous website design
New website design collage

Bold experimentations

We have always embodied a spirit of curiosity, innovation, and experimentation in our work. For this rebranding initiative, we utilized a monorepo, aiming to improve the development experience and ensure code consistency.

Using a monorepo has enabled us to simplify dependency management and optimize build processes for all the individual code repositories developed for this project. We built a reusable component library that adheres to the style guide, so that any future projects within the monorepo would have a consistent visual style.


Sketch of backend architecture

The result

Our rebranded identity retains our passion for innovation and dedication to our craft, while expanding our horizons to a new chapter and creating impactful solutions like never before.

We turn your ideas into reality.

We take your ideas above and beyond.