Integrating multiple systems into a single platform
Founded in 2015, Fave is one of Southeast Asia’s fastest growing fintech platforms, empowering offline businesses to grow and connect digitally with their customers.
The challenge
Fave was born with the merger of KFit, Groupon Indonesia and Groupon Malaysia. KFit’s existing systems were not designed to handle the large influx of users coming from Groupon Indonesia, causing capacity constraints.
Seamless and future-proofed integrations
Shortcut Asia conducted a CTO consultation session with the team at Fave, analyzing the existing deployment infrastructure and codebase to identify bottlenecks and improve the process flow. Future-proofing the system was top of the agenda, to ensure its adaptability for any future expansion.
With our expertise, the merger between the 3 platforms went seamlessly without any major disruptions to the end users.
Tech stack
Ruby on Rails
The result
Merging platforms with a large user base seamlessly can be complex and challenging. Through our consultation service, comprehensive preparatory work was carried out, ensuring a smooth transition.